Saturday, June 30, 2007


I just wanted to let everyone know that I am fine and will be back in Brighton tomorrow where at least there hasnt been car bombs found or cars on fire driving into airports. that is enlightening isn't it?

talk to you all soon

Thursday, June 28, 2007

London tomorrow

I will be in london this weekend so i will post those pictures on monday!

here are a few from the club on tuesday with the nasty people about to have sex on the dance floor..

we were pretty much disgusted..


Bar hopping last night was pretty much amazing..except i spent wayy too much money..i need to go to the bank..I planned a trip to amsterdam and dublin!! yay!

Cheers im off to bed

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hey! i have pictures up just click on the link on the left! The pictures are from monday night when i went to the pier in Brighton and had classic Famous English Fish & chips..they were good but if thats England's best food i am scared..haha

Last night we went to a night club "club zap" it was mostly filled with people from UC schools which was kind of a bummer because most of them got wasted and just made themselves look stupid..adding to the negative american image over here..but it was alot of fun i will post those pictures as soon as i get them from someone..tonight is the "pub crawl" haha it should be interesting but i don't know if ill make it because i have class tonight.

My class is really cool the title is "sex, drugs and Rock 'n' Roll..How the media has shaped the UK music industry~ or something like that we are going to go see the hold steady for a field trip..I can't really understand our professor(he has a strong accent and doesnt talk very loud) but he said something about working with bjork but that he left after a year because he had something else better to do, i wonder what could have been better. I have to make up a fictional band so if anyone has some good ideas for band names let me know!

Friday I am going to London to meet up with my sister for the weekend, she is on a high school tour so i am going to crash at her hotel rather than a hostel..yay! haha..alright well i will talk to you all soon..hope you're enjoying the california weather..i miss it..

bye for now

Monday, June 25, 2007


yep its still raining...actually more like storming..57 degrees, rain, and wind in all directions. umbrellas really are useless here..i am stuck in this computer lab because it is raining so bad and californians never learn (there was some sun this morning so i wore flip flops..but now i think that was a horrible idea.)

so last night at the random gathering they had a free bar and free beer. needless to say we took advantage of it and the sun rising at 4:30 in the morning wasn't too nice haha. I need to go to the store today..the free food last night couldnt even be considered food it was so bad haha..i havent had a meal since the plane flight..and everyone knows plane gross. This blog is soo boring i am sorry i am just attempting to waste time. I need to go find an adapter or converter that works my computer is almost dead and the ones i brought dont work.

goodbye for now

Sunday, June 24, 2007

note to self: 24 hours of traveling is not fun

I made it!!!!

it took forever with the lovely delay in vegas..lets just say summer is not a good time to be stuck in vegas on a plane with no air conditioning for 2 and a half hours with fumes from someone's smelly cargo entering through the air vents. the cargo had to be taken out and all the luggage redistributed to even the plane's weight while everyone melts inside the plane..not fun

The time difference is 8 hours..which i a killer i have been up for almost 30 hours straight and just want to go to sleep the problem is its only 5:15 pm currently.Later this week i will add pictures.

So far my impressions of Brighton/England are:
1. it rains too much
2. its too cold
3. summer here is like winter at home
4. it is pretty
5. Britain tries to do everything different from everyone..and its not efficient.(i.e. in my room there is a sink, there are two faucets one hot and one cold so there is no such thing as warm water because you cannot mix the two)


Saturday, June 23, 2007

leaving the US

I am heading to LAX in about an hour! I think i packed way too much..i dont know how i am going to take it on trains and such, itll be interesting. alright i gotta finish getting ready byeeee

Monday, June 18, 2007

New blog

OK, so i decided to get a new blog, one different from the one i'll be showing my parents. This way i can say things like fuck and shit and asshole, you know the essentials. Well, I am currently at home and its 100+ degrees out so i decided to hang out inside today and this blog is the result. I need to go buy a raincoat and shoes but I don't see that happening because it doesnt rain here so i don't know where to buy a raincoat. I would like to make a shoutout to Maria for being brave and coming home with me to the 110 degree heat..I feel bad for convincing her it would be super evil i know...Well everyone better keep in contact with me this summer and i will do my best to keep this updated as well. Have an awesome summer eveyone!!